This MATLAB exercise computes the log magnitude of the STFT of a specified fr a me of speech. Then, using the
same fr a me of speech, the exercise computes LPC log spectral matches to the speech fr a me, using the autocorrelation
method, the covariance method, and the lattice method. The four resulting log magnitude responses ( the STFT
of the speech fr a me and the three LPC analysis methods) are then plotted on a common plot, and compared in
terms of how each LPC analysis method approximates the STFT log magnitude response.
-This MATLAB exercise computes the log magnitude of the STFT of a specified fr a me of speech. Then, using the
same fr a me of speech, the exercise computes LPC log spectral matches to the speech fr a me, using the autocorrelation
method, the covariance method, and the lattice method. The four resulting log magnitude responses ( the STFT
of the speech fr a me and the three LPC analysis methods) are then plotted on a common plot, and compared in
terms of how each LPC analysis method approximates the STFT log magnitude response.
same fr a me of speech, the exercise computes LPC log spectral matches to the speech fr a me, using the autocorrelation
method, the covariance method, and the lattice method. The four resulting log magnitude responses ( the STFT
of the speech fr a me and the three LPC analysis methods) are then plotted on a common plot, and compared in
terms of how each LPC analysis method approximates the STFT log magnitude response.
-This MATLAB exercise computes the log magnitude of the STFT of a specified fr a me of speech. Then, using the
same fr a me of speech, the exercise computes LPC log spectral matches to the speech fr a me, using the autocorrelation
method, the covariance method, and the lattice method. The four resulting log magnitude responses ( the STFT
of the speech fr a me and the three LPC analysis methods) are then plotted on a common plot, and compared in
terms of how each LPC analysis method approximates the STFT log magnitude response.
lpc\3.16 LPC Frame.pdf