SURF意指 加速的具有鲁棒性的特征,由Bay在2006年首次提出,这项技术可以应用于计算机视觉的物体识别以及3D重构中。SURF算子由SIFT算子改进而来,一般来说,标准的SURF算子比SIFT算子快好几倍,并且在多幅图片下具有更好的鲁棒性。SURF最大的特征在于采用了harr特征以及积分图像integral image的概念,这大大加快了程序的运行时间。-SURF (Speeded Up Robust Feature) is a robust local feature detector, first presented by Herbert Bay et al. in 2006, that can be used in computer vision tasks like object recognition or 3D reconstruction. It is partly inspired by the SIFT descr iptor. The standard version of SURF is several times faster than SIFT and claimed by its authors to be more robust against different image transformations than SIFT. SURF is based on sums of 2D Haar wavelet responses and makes an efficient use of integral images.