安装及简单使用:服务器端所需软件:1,所需的WEB服务器:Apache (1.3.x 或更高, 2.x 或更高(建议使用此版) 支持 mod_rewrite 或Lighttpd 或Nginx 2,所需的数据库MySQL 4.1.x 或更高 或SQLite 或PostgresSQL 3,所需PHP版本为5.2 或更高支持以下几种模快功能: PHP Data Objects (PDO)和你希望使用的数据库PDO驱动 SimpleXML Hash Iconv Mbstring Tokenizer JSON-Installation and simple to use: server software required: 1, the web server: the Apache (1.3. X or higher. 2. X or higher (it is recommended to use this version) support mod rewrite or lighttpd or nginx 2, required MySQL 4.1.x or more high or SQLite or PostgresSQL 3 required version of PHP 5.2 or higher support the following modules function: PHP data objects (PDO) and you wish to use the PDO driver simplexml hash Iconv Mbstring tokenizer JSON