爱问PHP小偷DaTingBa版 v1.0为开源免费版,你可随意对程序进行修改,是php采集初学者的最佳实例。不管你是否熟练php编码,甚至不懂打字输入,使用本程序,1分钟之内便可搭建一个千万级页面的网站。本程序无后台,也不需要后台;无需管理,自动与新浪爱问网同步更新;提供多个广告位,下面会对每个广告位进行说明。
关于广告位的说明:所有的代码都要转换为相应的js代码方可使用!-Love asked PHP thief DaTingBa version v1.0 for free and open source version, you can be free to modify the program is PHP collection beginners the best example. Whether or not you are proficient in PHP coding, and even do not know typing input, using the program, 1 minutes can be set up a ten million pages of the site. This procedure without the background, also do not need background without management, automatically synchronized with the sina net providing a plurality of advertising, the following will be for each ad position is described.
About advertising note: all of the code to be converted into the corresponding JS code can be used!
关于广告位的说明:所有的代码都要转换为相应的js代码方可使用!-Love asked PHP thief DaTingBa version v1.0 for free and open source version, you can be free to modify the program is PHP collection beginners the best example. Whether or not you are proficient in PHP coding, and even do not know typing input, using the program, 1 minutes can be set up a ten million pages of the site. This procedure without the background, also do not need background without management, automatically synchronized with the sina net providing a plurality of advertising, the following will be for each ad position is described.
About advertising note: all of the code to be converted into the corresponding JS code can be used!