这是一个基于WEB的邮件列表,可以设置一段代码到你的页面使用户增加他们的电子邮件订阅网站更新通知,也可以访问主脚本学习关于邮件列表和进行订阅或退定操作。-Very good greeting card program, in his original design was relatively good, for example, can set the save time. To avoid long time, malignant expansion of data file, the retention period, expire automatically delete the card related data (finished version enhancements: the original CGI program which did not verify e-mail address, so in the form page join some scr ipt used to check email address, and the way to join the online music audition function. There is also a good card area can be placed in a different site, does not need to be placed in the CGI-BIN directory, so you can make a card in a different site with a CGI program).