(为何没找到C++编程选项)本程序实现教学计划编制的制定。假设大学的任何专业都有固定的学习年限,每学年含两学期,每学期的时间长度和学分上限值均相等。每个专业开设的课程都是确定的,而且课程在开设时间的安排必须满足先修关系。每门课程有哪些先修课程是确定的,可以有任意多门,也可以没有。用有向网表示教学计划,其中顶点表示某门课程,有向边表示课程之间的先修关系(如果A课程是B课程的先修课程,那么A到B之间有一条有向边从A指向B)。试设计一个教学计划编制程序,获取一个不冲突的线性的课程教学流程。课程线性排列,每门课上课时其先修课程已经被安排。-This procedure to achieve the development of teaching preparation program. Assumptions of any professional have fixed the length of each school year with two semesters, each semester and the length of time the credit limits are the same. Each professional courses are determined, and in the course of the opening time schedule must meet prerequisites relationship. Each course Prerequisites What is certain, there can be any number of doors, it does not. There used to network, said teaching programs, where the vertices represent a course, there are prerequisites to the side showing the relationship between courses (Course B if A course is a prerequisite course, then there is between A to B a directed edge A point B). Try to design a teaching planning procedures to obtain a non-conflicting Course linear process. Course linear arrangement, when each class of its Advanced Placement course has been arranged.