With the increasing penetration of renewable energies as distributed generation
(DG) in smart grid scheme, technical problems arise in both distribution and transmission
system level. Undesirable voltage is the main problem for connection of
DGs in distribution systems while excessive reactive power demand transmission
system is the major concern for Transmission System Operators.
The low power generation capacity of DER (Distributed Energy Resources) has
motivated the need for integration of different types of DERs and loads in the form
of micro-grid to enhance the power generation capacity, reliability and marketability
of dispersed type of micro-sources [12, 13]. Current harmonics and Reactive power
consumption are the two power quality issues that are addressed in this thesis-With the increasing penetration of renewable energies as distributed generation
(DG) in smart grid scheme, technical problems arise in both distribution and transmission
system level. Undesirable voltage is the main problem for connection of
DGs in distribution systems while excessive reactive power demand transmission
system is the major concern for Transmission System Operators.
The low power generation capacity of DER (Distributed Energy Resources) has
motivated the need for integration of different types of DERs and loads in the form
of micro-grid to enhance the power generation capacity, reliability and marketability
of dispersed type of micro-sources [12, 13]. Current harmonics and Reactive power
consumption are the two power quality issues that are addressed in this thesis
(DG) in smart grid scheme, technical problems arise in both distribution and transmission
system level. Undesirable voltage is the main problem for connection of
DGs in distribution systems while excessive reactive power demand transmission
system is the major concern for Transmission System Operators.
The low power generation capacity of DER (Distributed Energy Resources) has
motivated the need for integration of different types of DERs and loads in the form
of micro-grid to enhance the power generation capacity, reliability and marketability
of dispersed type of micro-sources [12, 13]. Current harmonics and Reactive power
consumption are the two power quality issues that are addressed in this thesis-With the increasing penetration of renewable energies as distributed generation
(DG) in smart grid scheme, technical problems arise in both distribution and transmission
system level. Undesirable voltage is the main problem for connection of
DGs in distribution systems while excessive reactive power demand transmission
system is the major concern for Transmission System Operators.
The low power generation capacity of DER (Distributed Energy Resources) has
motivated the need for integration of different types of DERs and loads in the form
of micro-grid to enhance the power generation capacity, reliability and marketability
of dispersed type of micro-sources [12, 13]. Current harmonics and Reactive power
consumption are the two power quality issues that are addressed in this thesis
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Power Converters as smart instruments.pdf