工作原理是通过模拟自然界中生物进化的过程,设计相应的进化算子和操作,来解决复杂的实际问题,是一种建立在自然选择和遗传学基础上的搜索寻优算法。它从一组随机产生的种群开始,这个种群由经过基因编码的一定数量的个体组成,按照适者生存和优胜劣汰的规则,通过比较每个个体适应度的大小,选择适应度较大的个体进行交叉、变异,产生的新一代更适应环境的种群参与进化。通过一代一代不断的繁衍进化,最终得到最适应环境的个体,即得到问题的最优解。-Works by simulating the process of biological evolution in nature, design corresponding evolution operators and operations, to solve complex practical problems, is a search optimization algorithm based on natural selection and genetic basis. It is a group of the population randomly generated the beginning of this population by a gene coding for a certain number of individual composition, in accordance with the rules of survival of the fittest and survival of the fittest, by comparing the size of each individual fitness, choose the larger individuals fitness crossover and mutation, a new generation of better adapted populations produce environmental participate evolution. Through continuous breeding generations of evolution, finally get most individuals adapt to the environment, to obtain the optimal solution.
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