- 所属分类:
- WEB源码
- 资源属性:
- [Windows] [Visual.Net] [源码]
- 上传时间:
- 2015-12-14
- 文件大小:
- 892kb
- 下载次数:
- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- eepu****
- 相关连接:
- 无
- 下载说明:
- 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!
iNethinkCMS基于.NET2.0 C#分层开发,是一款精致小巧、开源、免费的新闻信息管理系统。创新的模板引擎(类标签式)、插件扩展技术,可以适应各类的网站开发需要。
无需为网站访问速度感到担心,iNethinkCMS的精细化缓存技术,可使访问速度媲美静态页面。系统将模板页面与实际页面的缓存进行区别化对待,同时细致归纳两者的统一性,构建出基于服务器Cache的缓存。在保证服务器效能的情况下,访问者将获得更快的响应速度。-INethinkCMS based on C#.NET2.0 development, is a fine compact, open source, free of charge information management system. Innovative template engine (class label), plug-in expansion technology, can adapt to all kinds of Web site development needs.
Cache technology:
There is no need to worry about the speed of access to the site, iNethinkCMS s sophisticated caching technology, can make access speed comparable to the static page. The system makes a distinction between the template page and the actual page of the cache, and the unity of the two, the construction of a server based Cache cache. In the case of the server performance, the visitor will get faster response speed.
无需为网站访问速度感到担心,iNethinkCMS的精细化缓存技术,可使访问速度媲美静态页面。系统将模板页面与实际页面的缓存进行区别化对待,同时细致归纳两者的统一性,构建出基于服务器Cache的缓存。在保证服务器效能的情况下,访问者将获得更快的响应速度。-INethinkCMS based on C#.NET2.0 development, is a fine compact, open source, free of charge information management system. Innovative template engine (class label), plug-in expansion technology, can adapt to all kinds of Web site development needs.
Cache technology:
There is no need to worry about the speed of access to the site, iNethinkCMS s sophisticated caching technology, can make access speed comparable to the static page. The system makes a distinction between the template page and the actual page of the cache, and the unity of the two, the construction of a server based Cache cache. In the case of the server performance, the visitor will get faster response speed.