- 所属分类:
- 单片机(51,AVR,MSP430等)
- 资源属性:
- [C/C++] [源码]
- 上传时间:
- 2015-11-18
- 文件大小:
- 3kb
- 下载次数:
- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- 徐**
- 相关连接:
- 无
- 下载说明:
- 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!
基于GSM短信模块液位检测系统是一款用于检测水位的基于单片机控制的系统,当水位低于或高于某一水位,传感器感知到后,信息会经单片机处理后,单片机编辑相应的信息,通过无线短信平台,发送信息到手机上 。管理员收到短信后会做出相应的处理,避免了没事每刻都要检查水位的麻烦,解放了劳动力,降低了劳动量。GSM技术应用广泛,而且技术成熟稳定,GSM网络覆盖范围广,所以采用GSM短信模块作为通信模块,操作更为方便,传播距离更广阔。
-Today s highly developed industrial production, automated production technology has improved and unattended, labor costs also increased, in order to save costs, many areas of production introducing intelligent control, unattended, the amount of staff to a minimum, thereby reducing costs. Reservoirs, hydrological observation stations, fish farming, are observation towers and other water level, in order to make the appropriate response. Study level detection system becomes quite significant.
Based on GSM SMS module level detection system is a water-based system for the detection of single-chip control, when the water level is below or above a certain level, the sensor sensing that the information will be processed by the microcontroller, the microcontroller edit the appropriate information via wireless messaging platform, information is sent to the phone. After receiving the SMS Administrator will make the appropriate treatment, to avoid the fine should check the water level every momen
基于GSM短信模块液位检测系统是一款用于检测水位的基于单片机控制的系统,当水位低于或高于某一水位,传感器感知到后,信息会经单片机处理后,单片机编辑相应的信息,通过无线短信平台,发送信息到手机上 。管理员收到短信后会做出相应的处理,避免了没事每刻都要检查水位的麻烦,解放了劳动力,降低了劳动量。GSM技术应用广泛,而且技术成熟稳定,GSM网络覆盖范围广,所以采用GSM短信模块作为通信模块,操作更为方便,传播距离更广阔。
-Today s highly developed industrial production, automated production technology has improved and unattended, labor costs also increased, in order to save costs, many areas of production introducing intelligent control, unattended, the amount of staff to a minimum, thereby reducing costs. Reservoirs, hydrological observation stations, fish farming, are observation towers and other water level, in order to make the appropriate response. Study level detection system becomes quite significant.
Based on GSM SMS module level detection system is a water-based system for the detection of single-chip control, when the water level is below or above a certain level, the sensor sensing that the information will be processed by the microcontroller, the microcontroller edit the appropriate information via wireless messaging platform, information is sent to the phone. After receiving the SMS Administrator will make the appropriate treatment, to avoid the fine should check the water level every momen