1. 赞。抛弃了传统论坛的,评分,精华,高亮等内容筛选功能,引入了“赞”的机制,帖子的好坏,用户组的升级、主题颜色等都与与“赞”紧密关联起来。
2. 全新编写的编辑器支持:表格、增删行列、HTML5 客户端图片缩略,降低服务端 CPU 运算压力、支持 QQ 截图直接粘贴。
3. 支持游客发帖、回帖、点赞。
4. 支持自定义 URL,有利于 SEO,网址可以像这样:http://bbs.xiuno.com/xiuno-bbs-3-official-upgrade
5. 支持 SMTP 邮件发送,邮件列表设置
6. 支持 IP 限制:限制每日 IP 发帖数,发邮件数,上传附件数
7. 手机版本
8. 更多不一一列出 -Functions
Exploration of Light Forum in interactive mode mobile background
1. praise. He abandoned the traditional forums, ratings, essence, highlight and other content filtering functionality, introduced the Like mechanism, the post is good or bad, upgraded user groups, theme colors and so on and like close associate.
2. The new editor written in support: tables, add or delete ranks, HTML5 client image thumbnail, reducing server CPU operation pressure, support QQ screenshot pasted directly.
3. Support Tourists post replies, point praise.
4. Support custom URL, is conducive to SEO, web site can be like this: http: //bbs.xiuno.com/xiuno-bbs-3-official-upgrade
5. Support SMTP mail, mailing lists set
1. 赞。抛弃了传统论坛的,评分,精华,高亮等内容筛选功能,引入了“赞”的机制,帖子的好坏,用户组的升级、主题颜色等都与与“赞”紧密关联起来。
2. 全新编写的编辑器支持:表格、增删行列、HTML5 客户端图片缩略,降低服务端 CPU 运算压力、支持 QQ 截图直接粘贴。
3. 支持游客发帖、回帖、点赞。
4. 支持自定义 URL,有利于 SEO,网址可以像这样:http://bbs.xiuno.com/xiuno-bbs-3-official-upgrade
5. 支持 SMTP 邮件发送,邮件列表设置
6. 支持 IP 限制:限制每日 IP 发帖数,发邮件数,上传附件数
7. 手机版本
8. 更多不一一列出 -Functions
Exploration of Light Forum in interactive mode mobile background
1. praise. He abandoned the traditional forums, ratings, essence, highlight and other content filtering functionality, introduced the Like mechanism, the post is good or bad, upgraded user groups, theme colors and so on and like close associate.
2. The new editor written in support: tables, add or delete ranks, HTML5 client image thumbnail, reducing server CPU operation pressure, support QQ screenshot pasted directly.
3. Support Tourists post replies, point praise.
4. Support custom URL, is conducive to SEO, web site can be like this: http: //bbs.xiuno.com/xiuno-bbs-3-official-upgrade
5. Support SMTP mail, mailing lists set