Abstract — Developing of MAC protocol for Wireless Sensor
Network (WSN) has a challenging issue of Energy efficiency
because WSN has large number of sensor nodes with limited
processing capability and limited power. Most of WSN uses
battery for power. One of important task in developing mac
protocol for WSN is increase the life time of network it means
we have to use power very efficiently. To develop MAC
protocol, which is energy efficient, many flavour of MAC
protocol is proposed by different researcher. This paper is a
survey of active research work on Energy efficient MAC
protocol.-Abstract — Developing of MAC protocol for Wireless Sensor
Network (WSN) has a challenging issue of Energy efficiency
because WSN has large number of sensor nodes with limited
processing capability and limited power. Most of WSN uses
battery for power. One of important task in developing mac
protocol for WSN is increase the life time of network it means
we have to use power very efficiently. To develop MAC
protocol, which is energy efficient, many flavour of MAC
protocol is proposed by different researcher. This paper is a
survey of active research work on Energy efficient MAC
Network (WSN) has a challenging issue of Energy efficiency
because WSN has large number of sensor nodes with limited
processing capability and limited power. Most of WSN uses
battery for power. One of important task in developing mac
protocol for WSN is increase the life time of network it means
we have to use power very efficiently. To develop MAC
protocol, which is energy efficient, many flavour of MAC
protocol is proposed by different researcher. This paper is a
survey of active research work on Energy efficient MAC
protocol.-Abstract — Developing of MAC protocol for Wireless Sensor
Network (WSN) has a challenging issue of Energy efficiency
because WSN has large number of sensor nodes with limited
processing capability and limited power. Most of WSN uses
battery for power. One of important task in developing mac
protocol for WSN is increase the life time of network it means
we have to use power very efficiently. To develop MAC
protocol, which is energy efficient, many flavour of MAC
protocol is proposed by different researcher. This paper is a
survey of active research work on Energy efficient MAC
A Literature Survey on Energy Efficient MAC.pdf