For a particularly long time, automatic diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy digital
fundus images has been an active research topic in the medical image processing
community. The research interest is justified by the excellent potential for new
products in the medical industry and significant reductions in health care costs.
However, the maturity of proposed algorithms cannot be judged due to the lack
of commonly accepted and representative image with a verified ground
truth and strict uation protocol. In this study, an uation methodology is proposed
and an image with ground truth is described-For a particularly long time, automatic diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy digital
fundus images has been an active research topic in the medical image processing
community. The research interest is justified by the excellent potential for new
products in the medical industry and significant reductions in health care costs.
However, the maturity of proposed algorithms cannot be judged due to the lack
of commonly accepted and representative image with a verified ground
truth and strict uation protocol. In this study, an uation methodology is proposed
and an image with ground truth is described
fundus images has been an active research topic in the medical image processing
community. The research interest is justified by the excellent potential for new
products in the medical industry and significant reductions in health care costs.
However, the maturity of proposed algorithms cannot be judged due to the lack
of commonly accepted and representative image with a verified ground
truth and strict uation protocol. In this study, an uation methodology is proposed
and an image with ground truth is described-For a particularly long time, automatic diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy digital
fundus images has been an active research topic in the medical image processing
community. The research interest is justified by the excellent potential for new
products in the medical industry and significant reductions in health care costs.
However, the maturity of proposed algorithms cannot be judged due to the lack
of commonly accepted and representative image with a verified ground
truth and strict uation protocol. In this study, an uation methodology is proposed
and an image with ground truth is described