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充分地利用了DSP强大的信号处理能力和现代数值分析方法。 设计了电能表前端采样及计量模块的硬件,以及一套符合国标GB/T 17883-1999的 0.2S


AD 采样,采样数据通过串口送至处理器(DSP),由 DSP 对采样数据作电参数计

量和谐波分析,处理结果通过定制 LCD 显示,并通过脉冲口发出有功、无功校

表脉冲。DSP 采用 ADI 公司的 BLACKFIN531-16 位定点芯片,最高处理能力可

达 800MIPS, 采样芯片为 16bit 的AD73360, 支持六通道同步转换, 无同步误差。数字化、高精度、创新性和可扩展性是本项目的特点,准同步采样算法和谐波分

析是本项目的新颖之处。-Make full use of the DSP powerful signal processing ability and the modern numerical analysis method. Design the

Watt-hour meter front sampling and measuring module of hardware, as well as a set of accord with national standard GB/T 17883-17883 of 0.2 S

Accuracy of algorithm, at the same time extend the function of harmonic analysis. System overview: three-phase voltage and current

The AD sampling, sampling data via a serial port sent to the processor (DSP), electric parameter meter by DSP of the sampling data

Quantity and harmonic analysis, process the results with a custom LCD display, and through pulse mouth making active and reactive power

Table pulse. DSP adopts BLACKFIN531 of ADI company- a 16-bit fixed-point chip, the highest processing capacity

Up to 800 MIPS, sampling chip AD73360 for 16 bit, supports six channels synchronous conversion, no synchronization error.

Digital, high precision, innovative and extensibility ?





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