OFDM仿真文档,有发射机,接收机,信道,附件有matlab仿真代码-Fixed Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) is a promising technology
which can offer high speed voice, video and data service up to the
customer end. Due to the absence of any standard specification, earlier
BWA systems were based on proprietary standard. IEEE 802.16
WirelessMAN standard specifies a Medium Access Control (MAC) layer
and a set of PHY layers to provide fixed and mobile Broadband Wireless
Access (BWA) in broad range of frequencies. The WiMAX forum has
adopted IEEE 802.16 OFDM PHY layer for the equipment manufacturer
due to its robust performance in multipath environment. The thesis
investigates the simulation performance of IEEE 802.16 OFDM PHY
layer. The Stanford University Interim (SUI) channel models are selected
for the wireless channel in the simulation. The uation was done in
simulation developed in MATLAB. Perfect channel estimation is
which can offer high speed voice, video and data service up to the
customer end. Due to the absence of any standard specification, earlier
BWA systems were based on proprietary standard. IEEE 802.16
WirelessMAN standard specifies a Medium Access Control (MAC) layer
and a set of PHY layers to provide fixed and mobile Broadband Wireless
Access (BWA) in broad range of frequencies. The WiMAX forum has
adopted IEEE 802.16 OFDM PHY layer for the equipment manufacturer
due to its robust performance in multipath environment. The thesis
investigates the simulation performance of IEEE 802.16 OFDM PHY
layer. The Stanford University Interim (SUI) channel models are selected
for the wireless channel in the simulation. The uation was done in
simulation developed in MATLAB. Perfect channel estimation is