1.采用Labview设计一虚拟函数信号发生器, 通过数据采集卡输出波形信号,调节信号的相关参数,可观察示波器上波形的变化情况。
⑴ 以NI MyDAQ数据采集卡作为输出接口;
⑵ 数据采集卡输出多种信号,至少完成三种波形:正弦波、三角波、方波(可调占空比)的输出,同时前面板上显示各输出波形;
⑶ 频率、幅值、初相位、直流偏移量和方波的占空比(0~100 )等参数可以通过前面板控件调节。
⑷ 前面板可显示输出波形。-1. Labview design using a virtual function signal generator, data acquisition card output waveform signal, adjust the relevant parameters of the signal can be observed on an oscilloscope waveform changes.
⑴ with NI MyDAQ data acquisition card as output interface
⑵ data acquisition card output a variety of signals, to complete at least three waveforms: sine wave output, triangle wave, square wave (adjustable duty cycle), while each of the output waveform is displayed on the front panel
⑶ frequency, amplitude, initial phase, the DC offset and duty cycle square wave (0 to 100 ) and other parameters via the front panel controls to adjust.
⑷ output waveform can be displayed on the front panel.
⑴ 以NI MyDAQ数据采集卡作为输出接口;
⑵ 数据采集卡输出多种信号,至少完成三种波形:正弦波、三角波、方波(可调占空比)的输出,同时前面板上显示各输出波形;
⑶ 频率、幅值、初相位、直流偏移量和方波的占空比(0~100 )等参数可以通过前面板控件调节。
⑷ 前面板可显示输出波形。-1. Labview design using a virtual function signal generator, data acquisition card output waveform signal, adjust the relevant parameters of the signal can be observed on an oscilloscope waveform changes.
⑴ with NI MyDAQ data acquisition card as output interface
⑵ data acquisition card output a variety of signals, to complete at least three waveforms: sine wave output, triangle wave, square wave (adjustable duty cycle), while each of the output waveform is displayed on the front panel
⑶ frequency, amplitude, initial phase, the DC offset and duty cycle square wave (0 to 100 ) and other parameters via the front panel controls to adjust.
⑷ output waveform can be displayed on the front panel.