The controller is typically of the proportional–integral (PI) type that outputs
the desired susceptance signal within the preset limits, as discussed in Chapter
4. A linearizer block converts the susceptance signal into a firing-angle signal.
An operation-mode selector unit is generally used for TCSC protection.
During short-circuit conditions, at which time the current through the metaloxide
varistor (MOV) exceeds a threshold, the TCSC is made to switch to the
bypassed-thyristor mode or the thyristor-switched reactor (TSR) mode. In this
mode, the thyristors conduct fully (j c 1808), reducing both the TCSC voltage
and the current substantially and thereby reducing the stress on the MOV.
During the clearance of faults, the “waiting mode” is implemented when the
capacitors are brought back into the circuit, a dc-voltage offset builds up that
is discharged into this waiting mode.
The steady-state control characteristic-The controller is typically of the proportional–integral (PI) type that outputs
the desired susceptance signal within the preset limits, as discussed in Chapter
4. A linearizer block converts the susceptance signal into a firing-angle signal.
An operation-mode selector unit is generally used for TCSC protection.
During short-circuit conditions, at which time the current through the metaloxide
varistor (MOV) exceeds a threshold, the TCSC is made to switch to the
bypassed-thyristor mode or the thyristor-switched reactor (TSR) mode. In this
mode, the thyristors conduct fully (j c 1808), reducing both the TCSC voltage
and the current substantially and thereby reducing the stress on the MOV.
During the clearance of faults, the “waiting mode” is implemented when the
capacitors are brought back into the circuit, a dc-voltage offset builds up that
is discharged into this waiting mode.
The steady-state control characteristic
the desired susceptance signal within the preset limits, as discussed in Chapter
4. A linearizer block converts the susceptance signal into a firing-angle signal.
An operation-mode selector unit is generally used for TCSC protection.
During short-circuit conditions, at which time the current through the metaloxide
varistor (MOV) exceeds a threshold, the TCSC is made to switch to the
bypassed-thyristor mode or the thyristor-switched reactor (TSR) mode. In this
mode, the thyristors conduct fully (j c 1808), reducing both the TCSC voltage
and the current substantially and thereby reducing the stress on the MOV.
During the clearance of faults, the “waiting mode” is implemented when the
capacitors are brought back into the circuit, a dc-voltage offset builds up that
is discharged into this waiting mode.
The steady-state control characteristic-The controller is typically of the proportional–integral (PI) type that outputs
the desired susceptance signal within the preset limits, as discussed in Chapter
4. A linearizer block converts the susceptance signal into a firing-angle signal.
An operation-mode selector unit is generally used for TCSC protection.
During short-circuit conditions, at which time the current through the metaloxide
varistor (MOV) exceeds a threshold, the TCSC is made to switch to the
bypassed-thyristor mode or the thyristor-switched reactor (TSR) mode. In this
mode, the thyristors conduct fully (j c 1808), reducing both the TCSC voltage
and the current substantially and thereby reducing the stress on the MOV.
During the clearance of faults, the “waiting mode” is implemented when the
capacitors are brought back into the circuit, a dc-voltage offset builds up that
is discharged into this waiting mode.
The steady-state control characteristic
Thyristor-Based FACTS Controllers for Electrical Transmission Systems.pdf