软件主要实现和完成病历的书写、浏览、借阅和病历质控的管理,提供医护人员的工作效率,为以后看病贵等问题的解决,奠定基础。软件对以简便、操作流程清晰、直观为主要特点,上手容易,充分考虑到不同医院、不同用户之间的差异化;软件本身采用微内核+插件化设计理念。具有较强的扩展性;通过大模板库、小模板库、复杂元素库、简单元素库、医学矢量图形库、常用语库等方式实现数据的重用等。-The software realizes and complete medical record writing, browsing, borrowing and medical record quality control management, to provide medical care personnel s working efficiency, in order to solve the expensive problems later, lay the foundation. Software for simple, easy operation and intuitive as the main character, easy to use, fully considering the differences between different hospitals, different users the software itself by using micro kernel+ plugin design concept. Has strong scalability realize data reuse through large template library, small template library, library complex elements, simple element library, medical vector graphics library, library etc..