A new method of video scene content characteristic detection is proposed. This method
can be applied in conjunction with digital watermarking schemes in order to improve the
transparency. In addition, new methods of video watermarking are also proposed. Three related
original aspects are reported. First, the authors’ previous robust image watermarking methods,
which consider the block texture are extended into video. In the detection process, watermark
extraction with or without the original fr a me is provided. Secondly, a method is proposed to
improve imperceptibility by reducing the flickering effect. Finally, a method is introduced to detect
video scene characteristics in order to suit the particular embedding scheme. By doing so, the
embedding method can be chosen adaptively in accordance with the video scene. The subjective
tests illustrate an imperceptibility improvement and experiments with various attacks show the
watermarking robustness.
can be applied in conjunction with digital watermarking schemes in order to improve the
transparency. In addition, new methods of video watermarking are also proposed. Three related
original aspects are reported. First, the authors’ previous robust image watermarking methods,
which consider the block texture are extended into video. In the detection process, watermark
extraction with or without the original fr a me is provided. Secondly, a method is proposed to
improve imperceptibility by reducing the flickering effect. Finally, a method is introduced to detect
video scene characteristics in order to suit the particular embedding scheme. By doing so, the
embedding method can be chosen adaptively in accordance with the video scene. The subjective
tests illustrate an imperceptibility improvement and experiments with various attacks show the
watermarking robustness.