In this paper an approach to estimate the speed and
the stator flux linkage of a three Phase induction motor by
means of an algorithm using dSPACE is proposed. Emphasis
is given on reduction of the problem of saturation associated
with the pure integrator, while flux estimation. Speed is
estimated using a sensor (MOC7811) mounted at the motor
shaft. Experimental investigation is carried out on a 1 H.P.
motor, a digital inverter controller, an IGBT power module
for inverter/chopper and dSPACE Controller Board
(CP1104). Real time signals like three phase currents, PWM
Pulses, fixed DC link voltage and response of sensor
MOC7811 are the input parameters to the Dspace controller
board, and using these parameters stator flux and speed is
the stator flux linkage of a three Phase induction motor by
means of an algorithm using dSPACE is proposed. Emphasis
is given on reduction of the problem of saturation associated
with the pure integrator, while flux estimation. Speed is
estimated using a sensor (MOC7811) mounted at the motor
shaft. Experimental investigation is carried out on a 1 H.P.
motor, a digital inverter controller, an IGBT power module
for inverter/chopper and dSPACE Controller Board
(CP1104). Real time signals like three phase currents, PWM
Pulses, fixed DC link voltage and response of sensor
MOC7811 are the input parameters to the Dspace controller
board, and using these parameters stator flux and speed is
statorflux\Stator Flux and Speed_HA.pdf