Design a fuzzy system to approximate a function
the function may not be defined analytically
but the values of the function in n point is defined
for example : x E [-3 3] g(x)=sin(x)
the approximation is calculated a fuzzy set design
our fuzzy function approximates sin function with an error
less than 0.2
note : this program uses a function named isinrange so copy it
to your directory-Design a fuzzy system to approximate a function
the function may not be defined analytically
but the values of the function in n point is defined
for example : x E [-3 3] g(x)=sin(x)
the approximation is calculated a fuzzy set design
our fuzzy function approximates sin function with an error
less than 0.2
note : this program uses a function named isinrange so copy it
to your directory
the function may not be defined analytically
but the values of the function in n point is defined
for example : x E [-3 3] g(x)=sin(x)
the approximation is calculated a fuzzy set design
our fuzzy function approximates sin function with an error
less than 0.2
note : this program uses a function named isinrange so copy it
to your directory-Design a fuzzy system to approximate a function
the function may not be defined analytically
but the values of the function in n point is defined
for example : x E [-3 3] g(x)=sin(x)
the approximation is calculated a fuzzy set design
our fuzzy function approximates sin function with an error
less than 0.2
note : this program uses a function named isinrange so copy it
to your directory