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“民以食为天”,随着人民生活水平的提高,餐饮业在服务行业中占有越来越重要的地位。努力在当前餐饮行业日趋激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,已成为每位餐饮业经营者 所追求的目标。网络订餐实现了小店面大作为的成本效益,解决了因为店面小的限制而无法提高营业额的难题,是一个小投入大成效的经营新模式。


- Food , with the improvement of people s living standards, the food and beverage industry plays an increasingly important role in the service industry. Current efforts in the food industry increasingly fierce competition, has become every catering operators are pursuing. To achieve a cost-effective network ordering big as a small storefront to solve because of limitations and can not store a small increase turnover problem, is a big investment and the effectiveness of the new small business model.

Visit online ordering relative net servant who is still relatively small, is a restaurant on the online credit indicated doubts the other is the online ordering instructions can only see articles Introduction and appearance, do not see the details of the entity can not be determined by quickly browse dishes are not what you want. Which is better than the traditional physical Restaurants online local restaurants. The online ordering people are generally more skilled people on the computer,


wang shang ding can.doc


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