Record your voice for 5 seconds
Play back the recording
Store data in double-precision array
Plot the waveform
Calculate over all the fr a mes in the sample
LPF the speech at 900 Hz to remove upper freq. (since Pitch info. will be below 900 Hz)
Perform Centre Clipping and find the Clipping Level (CL)
Choose the appropriate clipping level
Perform Center clipping
Compute the autocorrelation
calcute pitch
Calculate the avg. pitch estimate for the whole sample X.
Find Gender - Record your voice for 5 seconds
Play back the recording
Store data in double-precision array
Plot the waveform
Calculate over all the fr a mes in the sample
LPF the speech at 900 Hz to remove upper freq. (since Pitch info. will be below 900 Hz)
Perform Centre Clipping and find the Clipping Level (CL)
Choose the appropriate clipping level
Perform Center clipping
Compute the autocorrelation
calcute pitch
Calculate the avg. pitch estimate for the whole sample X.
Find Gender
Play back the recording
Store data in double-precision array
Plot the waveform
Calculate over all the fr a mes in the sample
LPF the speech at 900 Hz to remove upper freq. (since Pitch info. will be below 900 Hz)
Perform Centre Clipping and find the Clipping Level (CL)
Choose the appropriate clipping level
Perform Center clipping
Compute the autocorrelation
calcute pitch
Calculate the avg. pitch estimate for the whole sample X.
Find Gender - Record your voice for 5 seconds
Play back the recording
Store data in double-precision array
Plot the waveform
Calculate over all the fr a mes in the sample
LPF the speech at 900 Hz to remove upper freq. (since Pitch info. will be below 900 Hz)
Perform Centre Clipping and find the Clipping Level (CL)
Choose the appropriate clipping level
Perform Center clipping
Compute the autocorrelation
calcute pitch
Calculate the avg. pitch estimate for the whole sample X.
Find Gender
record voice.txt