This paper aims to present a new method for generating incoherent seismic ground
motions on the basis of the stochastic deconvolution technique and the spectral representation
method. The generated free field motion satisfies the imposed statistical properties on the free
surface and is composed of elementary plane waves of types SH, P-SV incoming from all directions. This will allow 3D soil-structure interaction analyses to be performed with spatially
varying seismic motions in the case of structure with embedded foundation. Eventually, structural non-linearity can be accounted for when the SSI analysis is performed in the time domain.
motions on the basis of the stochastic deconvolution technique and the spectral representation
method. The generated free field motion satisfies the imposed statistical properties on the free
surface and is composed of elementary plane waves of types SH, P-SV incoming from all directions. This will allow 3D soil-structure interaction analyses to be performed with spatially
varying seismic motions in the case of structure with embedded foundation. Eventually, structural non-linearity can be accounted for when the SSI analysis is performed in the time domain.
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
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GENERATION OF INCOHERENT GROUND MOTIONS FOR SSI applications | Tran - Wang - Clouteau | COMPDYN 2013 .pdf |