这个视频还是很不错的,特别是在关键字分析这一块,还是很有些独特的,吸引之处,之前学了很多都没有将的这么详细对关键字的分析,一般的培训机构就只是告诉你这样做,但是并没有说为什么要这样做,同时知识点都是基于白帽SEO相当不错哦…很值得学习丁的老头白帽英文外贸SEO培训课程视频下载地址http://www.heimaoxuexi.com/thread-67-1-1.html为了推广我们公司的外贸网站,正在学习丁的老头推 出的白帽SEO课程,刚刚学完第二章,很长的一章,干货多多,受益匪浅,老头的讲解方式不是那么中规中矩,但是很容易接受,实战性强,回过头来想把这两章 所学的内容回顾总结一下,机缘巧合,一个做SEO的朋友这两天感情上遇到了挫折,正好让我一泻千里的,畅快淋漓的运用白帽SEO思想开导了他,同时把把学 到的内容变成自己的。-This video is very good, especially the analysis of this one, or it is some unique attractions of the keywords before learned a lot so do not be a detailed analysis of keywords, training institutions generally just tell you to do so, but did not say why, while knowledge is based on white hat SEO is quite good, oh ... it is worth learning Ding old man Whitecaps English Foreign SEO training course video download address http://www.heimaoxuexi.com/thread-67-1-1.html
In order to promote our company s trade website, are learning Ding old man introduced white hat SEO course, just finished school chapter, a chapter a long, dry lot, benefit, explain the way the old man is not so satisfactory, but it easy to accept, real strong, back to trying to learn the contents of these two chapters summarize the review, by chance, a friend these days do SEO emotional setbacks, just so I blew out of the use of dripping White Hat SEO thinking enlighten him, but learned to put into their ow
In order to promote our company s trade website, are learning Ding old man introduced white hat SEO course, just finished school chapter, a chapter a long, dry lot, benefit, explain the way the old man is not so satisfactory, but it easy to accept, real strong, back to trying to learn the contents of these two chapters summarize the review, by chance, a friend these days do SEO emotional setbacks, just so I blew out of the use of dripping White Hat SEO thinking enlighten him, but learned to put into their ow