达内MFC例子集源码,内容涉及消息映射、工具栏的使用、状态栏操作、视图/窗口、动态创建未知类型的对象、MFC文档类作用、MFC单文档视图应用程序(SDI)、MFC多文档视图应用程序(MDI)、ATL组件编写、对话框的数据交换、MFC基本控件、列表 ListCtrl控件的使用等相关知识点,还有更多不一一列举了。-Set up the MFC source code examples, involving message mapping, using the toolbar, status bar operation, view/window dynamically create objects of unknown type, MFC document class action, MFC single document view application (SDI), MFC multi-document view of the application (MDI), ATL component preparation, data exchange dialog, MFC basic controls, such as a list of related knowledge ListCtrl use controls, and many more do not list them.