
  • 所属分类:
  • 单片机(51,AVR,MSP430等)
  • 资源属性:
  • [C/C++] [源码]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2014-04-25
  • 文件大小:
  • 64kb
  • 下载次数:
  • 0次
  • 提 供 者:
  • 李*
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  • 下载说明:
  • 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!


*  PWM 控制 DC电机转速:

*  一定要对本实验的原理搞清楚,实验用了两个定时器中断

*  在正向输出时T0中断输出低电平,T1输出高电平,T0的时间

*  是定死的,也就是说输出的方波波长是不变的,T1定的时间

*  是在T0中断程序里确定的,T1的时间永远小于或等于T0的

*  时间,T0使每隔固定时间使输出低,T1则输出高。

*  反向原理,类似

*  fosc=6M

*  利用定时器控制产生占空比可变的PWM波

*  按K1,PWM值增加,则占空比增加,电机转快

*  按K2,PWM值减小,则占空比减小,电机转慢。

*  当PWM值增加到最大值(255)或减小到最小值(1)时,蜂鸣器报警。

*  接线:P10:K1;P11:K2;P30:74LS02的5、6脚;74LS02的4脚接2、3脚;

*  74LS02的1脚接DJ;直流电机:J4;喇叭:J5;P31:SIN

*-* PWM controlled DC motor speed:

* Be sure to find out the principles of the experiment, the experiment used two timer interrupts

* In the forward output T0 interrupt output low, T1 output high, T0 time

* Is scheduled to die, that is the output square wave length is constant, T1 given time

* T0 interrupt program is determined, T1 time is always less than or equal to T0

* Time, T0 so that the output low fixed time intervals, T1, the output is high.

* Reverse principle, similar

* Fosc = 6M

* Use a timer to control the duty cycle of the PWM wave variable

* Press K1, PWM value increases, the duty cycle increases, the motor rotates faster

* Press K2, PWM value decreases, the duty cycle decreases, the motor rotates slowly.

* When the PWM value to maximum (255), or reduced to a minimum (1), the buzzer alarm.

* Wiring: P10: K1 P11: K2 P30: 74LS02 5,6 feet 74LS02 4 feet to 3 feet 

* 74LS02 1 feet to DJ DC: J4 Speaker: J5 P31: SIN




















....................\Last Loaded DCMotor.DBK



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