从经纬度BL换算到高斯平面直角坐标XY(高斯投影正算),或从XY换算成BL(高斯投影反算),一般需要专用计算机软件完成,在目前流行的换算软件中,存在一个共同的不足之处,就是灵活性较差,大都需要一个点一个点地进行,不能成批量地完成,给实际工作带来许多不便。笔者发现,用EXCEL可以很直观、方便地完成坐标换算工作,不需要编制任何软件,只需要在EXCEL的相应单元格中输入相应的公式即可。下面以54系为例,介绍具体的计算方法。-BL translated from latitude and longitude to the Gaussian plane rectangular coordinates XY (Gauss projection is counted), or converted from the XY BL (Gaussian inverse projection), generally require special computer software to complete, in the popular conversion software, there is a lack of common in the sense that the flexibility is poor, most still require a point to be a point, not done in batches, to the actual work to bring a lot of inconvenience. I found that using EXCEL can be very intuitive and easy to coordinate the translation work is completed, the software does not require any preparation, you only need to enter the appropriate formula in the corresponding cell in EXCEL can. The following 54 lines as an example, the specific method of calculation.