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Android SlidingMenu菜单源码,Android滑动菜单栏(是开源项目SlidingMenu的示例),注释很多,想做Android滑动菜单的可下载本源码参考学习。本滑动菜单可通过滑动屏幕的边缘被打开,可把滑动菜单放在屏幕左边和右边,从布局资源文件中设置下方(右边滑动菜单)的视图内容,这个布局会被填充添加到所有图层的最下方,设置滑动菜单是否是静态模式(不能够使用滑动菜单)。。。定义一个修饰动画的效果类* Interpolator被用来修饰动画效果,定义动画的变化率,可以使存在的动画效果可以 accelerated(加速),decelerated(减速),repeated(重复),bounced(弹跳)等。-Android SlidingMenu menu source, Android sliding menu bar (is an example of an open source project SlidingMenu), notes a lot, want Android sliding menu can download the source code reference study. The sliding menu can be opened by sliding the edge of the screen, you can slide the menu on the left and right of the screen, set the bottom (right side sliding menu) view content from a layout resource file, this layout will be added to all layers of filling the bottom, set the sliding menu is static mode (can not use sliding menu). . . A modification of the definition of the class* Interpolator animation effects are used to modify the animation, the rate of change in the definition of the animation, you can make animation can exist accelerated (accelerated), decelerated (deceleration), repeated (repeat), bounced (bounce) and so on






































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