PHPCoins PHP比特币交易平台系统,功能特性:比特币转入转出、钱包自动生成、人民币充值提现、比特币买卖、实时挂单列表、实时交易列表、实时K线图、Google双重验证、支持SSL。安装及设置方法:下载源码上传到Web主目录,解压,设置主目录权限为允许PHP进程读写,设置config.php文件里的参数:
admin_password 为后台登录密码
db_user 为数据库用户名
db_password 为数据库密码
db_name 为数据库名
db_host 为数据库所在的主机
btc_protocol 为比特币服务器bitcoind协议可选 http 和 https
btc_user 为bitcoind的用户名
btc_password 为bitcoind的密码 -PHPCoins PHP Bitcoin trading platform system features: Bitcoin move in or out, the wallet automatically generated RMB recharge to cash, Bitcoin trading, real-time pending list, a list of real-time trading, real-time K line graph, Google two-factor authentication, support for SSL. Installation and Setup: Download the source code uploaded to the Web home directory, unpack, set the home directory permissions to allow PHP processes read and write, set config.php file parameters: admin_password as a background for the login password db_user db_password db_name database password for the database user name db_host database name for the database where the host btc_protocol Bitcoin server bitcoind optional protocol to http and https btc_user as bitcoind username password btc_password as bitcoind
admin_password 为后台登录密码
db_user 为数据库用户名
db_password 为数据库密码
db_name 为数据库名
db_host 为数据库所在的主机
btc_protocol 为比特币服务器bitcoind协议可选 http 和 https
btc_user 为bitcoind的用户名
btc_password 为bitcoind的密码 -PHPCoins PHP Bitcoin trading platform system features: Bitcoin move in or out, the wallet automatically generated RMB recharge to cash, Bitcoin trading, real-time pending list, a list of real-time trading, real-time K line graph, Google two-factor authentication, support for SSL. Installation and Setup: Download the source code uploaded to the Web home directory, unpack, set the home directory permissions to allow PHP processes read and write, set config.php file parameters: admin_password as a background for the login password db_user db_password db_name database password for the database user name db_host database name for the database where the host btc_protocol Bitcoin server bitcoind optional protocol to http and https btc_user as bitcoind username password btc_password as bitcoind