The doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) is widely
used in wind energy. This paper proposes a model-based predictive
controller for a power control of DFIG. The control law is derived
by optimization of an objective function that considers the control
effort and the difference between the predicted outputs (active and
reactive power) and the references. The prediction was calculated
using a linearized state-space model of DFIG. As the generator
leakage inductance and resistance information were required for this control method, the influence of the estimation errors for these
parameters was also investigated. Simulation results are presented to validate the proposed controller
used in wind energy. This paper proposes a model-based predictive
controller for a power control of DFIG. The control law is derived
by optimization of an objective function that considers the control
effort and the difference between the predicted outputs (active and
reactive power) and the references. The prediction was calculated
using a linearized state-space model of DFIG. As the generator
leakage inductance and resistance information were required for this control method, the influence of the estimation errors for these
parameters was also investigated. Simulation results are presented to validate the proposed controller