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0000-5000年间 二十四节气详细时间推算程序.本程序主要采用PHP语言实现。功能是推算0000年到5000年间二十四节气的详细更迭时间。二十四节气是中国古代订立的一种用来指导农事的补充历法,是在春秋战国时期形成的。








秋分,寒露,霜降,立冬,小雪,大雪,冬至,小寒,大寒,立春,雨水,惊蛰-0000-5000 years, twenty-four solar time reckoning procedures in detail the procedures used mainly PHP language. Function is projected between 0000 and 5000 24 solar detailed change of time . Twenty-four solar calendar is a supplement to the guidance of Chinese ancient farming entered into , is formed in the Spring and Autumn Period .

- As the Chinese Lunar New Year is a " lunisolar calendar" that, according to the Sun also developed under the moon run , it is not entirely

- Reflect the sun cycle, but China is an agricultural community , to understand the need for strict sun agricultural operation , farming End

- Full sun conducted in accordance with , so they added a separate calendar to reflect the sun cycle "Twenty-four solar terms " used

- Determine the leap month standard. Twenty-four solar energy to reflect the change of seasons , guiding farming activities , affecting thousands of families of food and clothing

- Live line . Twenty-four solar is based on the position of the s


































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