This library include solutions for standards logging, unittesting, template engine and a lot more of easy use functionality:
* PLSQLLogging is Logging fr a mework
* PLSQLUnitTest is UnitTesting? fr a mework
* PLSQLMapCollection is Collection Map
* PLSQLUtility is Wrapped Apache Commons and many more
* PLSQLTempateEngine is PlSQL Template Engine like Velocity
o Settings
o Parse/Syntax
o Content (Lists(mvp) + templates)
o Write
* PLSQLCompare is generation of .equals(): for all simpel datatypes and complex datatypes including tables, records and xml
* PLSQLConvert is generation of .toString(): for all simpel datatypes and complex datatypes including tables, records and xml -This library include solutions for standards logging, unittesting, template engine and a lot more of easy use functionality:* PLSQLLogging is Logging fr a mework* PLSQLUnitTest is UnitTesting fr a mework* PLSQLMapCollection is Collection Map* PLSQLUtility is Wrapped Apache Commons and many more* PLSQLTempateEngine is PlSQL? Template Engine like Velocity o Settings o Parse/Syntax o Content (Lists (mvp)+ templates) o Write* PLSQLCompare is generation of equals ():. for all simpel datatypes and complex datatypes including tables, records and xml* PLSQLConvert is generation of . toString (): for all simpel datatypes and complex datatypes including tables, records and xml
* PLSQLLogging is Logging fr a mework
* PLSQLUnitTest is UnitTesting? fr a mework
* PLSQLMapCollection is Collection Map
* PLSQLUtility is Wrapped Apache Commons and many more
* PLSQLTempateEngine is PlSQL Template Engine like Velocity
o Settings
o Parse/Syntax
o Content (Lists(mvp) + templates)
o Write
* PLSQLCompare is generation of .equals(): for all simpel datatypes and complex datatypes including tables, records and xml
* PLSQLConvert is generation of .toString(): for all simpel datatypes and complex datatypes including tables, records and xml -This library include solutions for standards logging, unittesting, template engine and a lot more of easy use functionality:* PLSQLLogging is Logging fr a mework* PLSQLUnitTest is UnitTesting fr a mework* PLSQLMapCollection is Collection Map* PLSQLUtility is Wrapped Apache Commons and many more* PLSQLTempateEngine is PlSQL? Template Engine like Velocity o Settings o Parse/Syntax o Content (Lists (mvp)+ templates) o Write* PLSQLCompare is generation of equals ():. for all simpel datatypes and complex datatypes including tables, records and xml* PLSQLConvert is generation of . toString (): for all simpel datatypes and complex datatypes including tables, records and xml