
  • 所属分类:
  • Internet/网络编程
  • 资源属性:
  • [Java] [源码]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2013-12-16
  • 文件大小:
  • 29kb
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  • 0次
  • 提 供 者:
  • M*
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该程序是一个简单的聊天程序,主要功能是可以实现在两个不同电脑上进行聊天,不论是局域网还是互联网都可以。该程序是根据一个控制台程序修改而来,该控制台程序有两个类,服务器类和客户端类。通过修改我把这两个类里面的功能整合到了一块,服务器和客户端都在一个程序里面,使得使用更加简洁。不管是作为服务器还是客户端都使用这一程序即可。制作该程序是源于去年的一个Delphi程序,由于技术原因没有做完,它的功能是在局域网内建立聊天服务器,然后局域网内的所有用户通过搜索皆可以连接上聊天。所以通过JAVA程序的制作来完成以前未完成的任务。本程序只是一个简单的实现通信的程序,由于时间原因没有制作更多的功能,功能的扩展可以在以后的时间里进行升级添加。-The program is a simple chat program, the main function can be achieved chat on two different computers, either LAN or the Internet can be. The program is based on a procedure modified from the console, the console has two classes, class server and client classes. By modifying the integration of the two classes which I put into a piece of functionality, the server and the client are in a program which makes use of more concise. Whether as a server or a client can use this procedure. The program is produced from a Delphi program last year, did not finish due to technical reasons, its function is to create a chat server in the LAN, then all users within the LAN can be connected by searching all chat. So by making a JAVA program to complete the unfinished task before. This program is just a simple implementation of communication programs, because of the time there is no reason to produce more features, extensions can be upgraded to add at a later time.









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源码中国 www.ymcn.org