The performance of controlled complex dynamic systems inevitably suffers from various disturbances and uncertainties.
Moreover, different faults (sensor and actuator faults for example) can occur. Sliding mode based observers have shown high
performance for states and parameter estimation robustness with regards to measurement noise even in the presence of unknown
inputs. The aim of this Special Issue is to summarize and provide the recent advances in sliding mode based disturbance and
parameter estimation, faults detection (DPEFD) and their attenuation. The proposed Special Issue will facilitate faster uptake of
advanced sliding mode based DPEFD technologies, as well as address new challenges arising from upcoming complex control
systems, and generate new theories and methodologies.
Moreover, different faults (sensor and actuator faults for example) can occur. Sliding mode based observers have shown high
performance for states and parameter estimation robustness with regards to measurement noise even in the presence of unknown
inputs. The aim of this Special Issue is to summarize and provide the recent advances in sliding mode based disturbance and
parameter estimation, faults detection (DPEFD) and their attenuation. The proposed Special Issue will facilitate faster uptake of
advanced sliding mode based DPEFD technologies, as well as address new challenges arising from upcoming complex control
systems, and generate new theories and methodologies.