进程间通信(IPC)几乎是所有Unix程序性能的关键,理解IPC也是理解如何开发不同主机间网络应用程序的必要条件。本书从对Posix IPC和System V IPC的内部结构开始讨论,全面深入地介绍了4种IPC形式:消息传递(管道、FIFO、消息队列)、同步(互斥锁、条件变量、读写锁、文件与记录锁、信号量)、共享内存(匿名共享内存、具名共享内存)及远程过程调用(Solaris门、Sun RPC)。-Interprocess communication (IPC) is the key to almost all Unix application performance, understanding IPC also understand how to develop the necessary conditions among different hosts web applications. This book from the internal structure Posix IPC and System V IPC began discussions in-depth introduction to the four kinds of IPC forms: messaging (pipe, FIFO, message queues), synchronization (mutexes, condition variables, read-write locks, file and record locks, semaphores), shared memory (anonymous shared memory, named shared memory) and remote procedure calls (Solaris doors, Sun RPC).