Because software is nothing more than information, users may not realize that i s property, with important legal protections. When you purchase a piece of software, you own the physical medium on which it is distributed, typically a diskette or CD. However, the software itself is owned by the author or copyright holder, and what you may legally do with it is determined by the license that was granted at the time of purchase. This section explores some of the types of software licenses that exist and the implications of the licensing agreement for a user.-Because software is nothing more than information, users may not realize that it is property, with important legal protections. When you purchase a piece of software, you own the physical medium on which it is distributed, typically a diskette or CD. However, the software itself is owned by the author or copyright holder, and what you may legally do with it is determined by the license that was granted at the time of purchase. This section explores some of the types of software licenses that exist and the implications of the licensing agreement for a user.
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