这篇文章是美国在公共期刊上发表的关于临近空进飞行器在等离子鞘套环境下的通信黑障问题,回顾了目前位置减少通信中断的许多方案,但是通信黑障依然是临近空间测控的一大问题,对于其中环境的特征以及通信体质的建立都是非常热门也是非常重要的。-This article is published in the United States in the public journals on near-space vehicle in the plasma sheath environment communication blackout problem, review the current position of many programs to reduce traffic disruption, but the communication blackout is still near space monitoring and control of a big problem, for which the physical characteristics of the environment and the communication are very popular establishment is very important
Mitigating Hypersonic Vehicle.pdf