A mini game on raspberry pi implemented on GPIO. assembly language is used. wiringpi library is used for io manipulation.
4 buttons and 4 leds are used in the game.
the led will flash in a random pattern when the game started. player must enter the same pattern to win the game. if a wrong key is pressed ,the system will display a binary pateern on the led to display how many correct button has been pressed.-on GPIO. assembly language is used. wiringpi library is used for io manipulation.
4 buttons and 4 leds are used in the game.
the led will flash in a random pattern when the game started. player must enter the same pattern to win the game. if a wrong key is pressed ,the system will display a binary pateern on the led to display how many correct button has been pressed.
4 buttons and 4 leds are used in the game.
the led will flash in a random pattern when the game started. player must enter the same pattern to win the game. if a wrong key is pressed ,the system will display a binary pateern on the led to display how many correct button has been pressed.-on GPIO. assembly language is used. wiringpi library is used for io manipulation.
4 buttons and 4 leds are used in the game.
the led will flash in a random pattern when the game started. player must enter the same pattern to win the game. if a wrong key is pressed ,the system will display a binary pateern on the led to display how many correct button has been pressed.