Title: File Transfer client and server
Descr iption: Send or recieve files of any size or type between you and a peer. Displays bytes sent or recieved, return values of send() and recv(), bitrate in KBytes/sec, and time remaining. SendFile and RecvFile functions can easily be added and used in your own code. I tested it ofcourse, a 73 mb self extracting rar archive from South Korea to Massachusetts at 96KB/s arrived fully operational.
Descr iption: Send or recieve files of any size or type between you and a peer. Displays bytes sent or recieved, return values of send() and recv(), bitrate in KBytes/sec, and time remaining. SendFile and RecvFile functions can easily be added and used in your own code. I tested it ofcourse, a 73 mb self extracting rar archive from South Korea to Massachusetts at 96KB/s arrived fully operational.
压缩包 : 91332013file_trans1879914222005.zip 列表 @PSC_ReadMe_9274_3.txt RecvFile/ RecvFile/FileTransfer.h RecvFile/main.c RecvFile/Readme.txt SendFile/ SendFile/FileTransfer.h SendFile/main.c SendFile/Readme.txt