-Mythical Man-Month "content from any of Brooks, in IBM s System/360 computer series and its massive software system OS/360 project manager when practical experience. "The Mythical Man Month" explores the difficulties and solutions to achieve consistency of approach and discusses other aspects of project management software. In "The Mythical Man Month (English)", both a lot of thought-provoking perspective, there are a large number of software engineering practice, for each complex project management ...
-Mythical Man-Month "content from any of Brooks, in IBM s System/360 computer series and its massive software system OS/360 project manager when practical experience. "The Mythical Man Month" explores the difficulties and solutions to achieve consistency of approach and discusses other aspects of project management software. In "The Mythical Man Month (English)", both a lot of thought-provoking perspective, there are a large number of software engineering practice, for each complex project management ...