非支配排序算法。多目标优化的重要算法,通过交叉、变异,多次迭代产生最优解。-This system is based mainly on the development of a single-chip can accommodate 16 bed ward call system, and asked to complete in Proteus simulation testing. The system consists of upper and lower machine, the main design elements are: 1. PC for the PC, on the development of its application system, in a database record of each patient call events. 2 The next bit machine with 51 microcontroller core, coupled with the keyboard, display, rings and other modules. Each bed should be a key requirement when patients need it press the button, the system will display the duty room beds number of patients, and ring alert. Doctor or nurse press the " response" button to cancel the call. And requested 16 beds according to severity of illness divided into four categories, while at the same time there is a call, according to the priority to respond. 3.PC communicate with the microcontroller through the serial port.