
  • 所属分类:
  • 能源行业(电力石油煤炭)
  • 资源属性:
  • 上传时间:
  • 2013-09-05
  • 文件大小:
  • 9kb
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  • 0次
  • 提 供 者:
  • soh***
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This source file contains example PitchCntrl(), UserHSSBr(),

! UserVSCont(), and UserYawCont() routines that are used to interface

! FAST with a master controller implemented as a dynamic-link-library

! (DLL) in the style of Garrad Hassan s Bladed wind turbine software

! package. All four routines call routine BladedDLLInterface(), which

! contains a call to the Bladed-style DLL that evaluates as DISCON().

! Routine BladedDLLInterface() USEs a MODULE named

! BladedDLLParameters(), which stores values of PARAMETER constants

! used in the interface.-This source file contains example PitchCntrl(), UserHSSBr(),

  !    UserVSCont(), and UserYawCont() routines that are used to interface

  !    FAST with a master controller implemented as a dynamic-link-library

  !    (DLL) in the style of Garrad Hassan s Bladed wind turbine software

  !    package. All four routines call routine BladedDLLInterface(), which

  !    contains a call to the Bladed-style DLL that evaluates as DISCON().

  !    Routine BladedDLLInterface() USEs a MODULE named

  !    BladedDLLParameters(), which stores values of PARAMETER constants

  !    used in the interface.




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