BCD 码亦称“8421码”即将十进制的数以 8421 的形式展开,十进制是 0~9十个数组成,这十个数每个数都有自己的 8421 码。一个 4 位BCD码转换为BCD 码,结果采用 5 位 LED 显示。由于4位BCD码需要16位零一信号输入和多位输出,故没有硬件测试,只有软件仿真。-4 BCD code to binary code converter BCD code known as " 8421 yards" is about the number of decimal expansion in 8421 in the form of the metric system is composed of ten numbers from 0 to 9, the number of these ten numbers each has its own 8421 yards. A four BCD to BCD code, the results using five LED display. Since four BCD code requires 16 more than 01 signal inputs and outputs, there is no hardware test, only the software simulation.
BCD 码亦称“8421码”即将十进制的数以 8421 的形式展开,十进制是 0~9十个数组成,这十个数每个数都有自己的 8421 码。一个 4 位BCD码转换为BCD 码,结果采用 5 位 LED 显示。由于4位BCD码需要16位零一信号输入和多位输出,故没有硬件测试,只有软件仿真。-4 BCD code to binary code converter BCD code known as " 8421 yards" is about the number of decimal expansion in 8421 in the form of the metric system is composed of ten numbers from 0 to 9, the number of these ten numbers each has its own 8421 yards. A four BCD to BCD code, the results using five LED display. Since four BCD code requires 16 more than 01 signal inputs and outputs, there is no hardware test, only the software simulation.