The XMP Library for Actionscr ipt 3 is based on the XMPCore library. The Adobe XMP Toolkit SDK provides documentation and libraries for working with the XMP data model for reading, writing and manipulating XMP metadata in various file formats. Refer to the XMP Specification (included in this SDK) for detailed descr iptions of the XMP data model, file type support, and schemas supported in Adobe products. The XMP Toolkit SDK is published under a BSD License. The library consists of 3 parts: 1. The data model represents a set of XMP data in memory and offers an API to create or modify XMP properties. 2. The parser that reads an XMP packet in RDF/XML format into the data model in memory. 3. The serializer converts the data model into RDF/XML format. -The XMP Library for Actionscr ipt 3 is based on the XMPCore library. The Adobe XMP Toolkit SDK provides documentation and libraries for working with the XMP data model for reading, writing and manipulating XMP metadata in various file formats. Refer to the XMP Specification (included in this SDK) for detailed descr iptions of the XMP data model, file type support, and schemas supported in Adobe products. The XMP Toolkit SDK is published under a BSD License. The library consists of 3 parts: 1. The data model represents a set of XMP data in memory and offers an API to create or modify XMP properties. 2. The parser that reads an XMP packet in RDF/XML format into the data model in memory. 3. The serializer converts the data model into RDF/XML format.
XMP Library API Reference.pdf