高通增前现实fr a memarkers-2-5-8
A fr a me marker is a special rectangular marker with an embedded code in its border. The inside region can be filled with any type of image so that the user can identify the marker visually. fr a me markers can be smaller than Image Targets and may be used as game pieces or playing cards. Many of them can be simultaneously detected and tracked in the camera view without a performance hit.-A fr a me marker is a special rectangular marker with an embedded code in its border. The inside region can be filled with any type of image so that the user can identify the marker visually. fr a me markers can be smaller than Image Targets and may be used as game pieces or playing cards. Many of them can be simultaneously detected and tracked in the camera view without a performance hit.
A fr a me marker is a special rectangular marker with an embedded code in its border. The inside region can be filled with any type of image so that the user can identify the marker visually. fr a me markers can be smaller than Image Targets and may be used as game pieces or playing cards. Many of them can be simultaneously detected and tracked in the camera view without a performance hit.-A fr a me marker is a special rectangular marker with an embedded code in its border. The inside region can be filled with any type of image so that the user can identify the marker visually. fr a me markers can be smaller than Image Targets and may be used as game pieces or playing cards. Many of them can be simultaneously detected and tracked in the camera view without a performance hit.