一、 需求分析
-Topic: Assuming maze consisting of m rows and n columns form, having an inlet and an outlet, the inlet coordinates (1,1), the export coordinates (m, n), try to find an exit from the entrance to the shortest path. Design algorithms and program outputs a shortest path through a maze or to report a " not pass" information. Requirements: The stack and queue implementations are not allowed to use recursive algorithm. First, the needs analysis
一、 需求分析
-Topic: Assuming maze consisting of m rows and n columns form, having an inlet and an outlet, the inlet coordinates (1,1), the export coordinates (m, n), try to find an exit from the entrance to the shortest path. Design algorithms and program outputs a shortest path through a maze or to report a " not pass" information. Requirements: The stack and queue implementations are not allowed to use recursive algorithm. First, the needs analysis