设V1=<{a1, a2}, max >和V2=<{b1, b2}, min >是两个数系统, 其中max (x, y)表示x 与y中较大的数;min (x, y)表示 x 与y 中较小的数。max 和min 可以看作二元运算。输入a1,a2,b1, b2 为整数, 考虑积代数V1 × V2.
-Let V1 = < {a1, a2}, max> and V2 = < {b1, b2}, min> is the two number system, where max (x, y) represents the x and y, the larger number min (x , y) represents the x and y in the smaller number. max and min can be seen as a binary operator. Enter a1, a2, b1, b2 is an integer, consider the product algebra V1 V2. (1) Let plot algebra binary operation is* operation, the output of its operation table (2) units of output product algebras and $ nil
-Let V1 = < {a1, a2}, max> and V2 = < {b1, b2}, min> is the two number system, where max (x, y) represents the x and y, the larger number min (x , y) represents the x and y in the smaller number. max and min can be seen as a binary operator. Enter a1, a2, b1, b2 is an integer, consider the product algebra V1 V2. (1) Let plot algebra binary operation is* operation, the output of its operation table (2) units of output product algebras and $ nil
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