
  • 所属分类:
  • 其他小程序
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  • [C/C++] [源码]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2013-06-16
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对于每一组输入数据,其第一行为三个整数 N、S 和 Q。其中 N(2<=N<=100) 表示环中站的个数。S(1<=S<=100) 表示货车的最大容量,即货车同时可以装载多少箱货物。而 Q(1<=Q<=100) 表示 B 平台所能放置的货物的总数,假定该系统中所有货运站 B 平台的最大容量都相同。

从第二行往后一共有 N 行,每行一的第一个数字代表该站 B 平台上货物的总数,之后的每个数字代表每箱货物运送到哪个站。

对于每组输入,你需要在独立的一行中输出完成该任务所需要的时间。-For each set of input data, the first line of three integers N, S and Q. Where N (2 < = N < = 100) means that the number of ring station. S (1 < = S < = 100) indicates the maximum capacity of trucks, which can be loaded truck while many boxes of goods. And Q (1 < = Q < = 100) means that can be placed on platform B of the total number of goods, the system assumes that all of the maximum cargo capacity of station B are the same platform. From the second row back a total of N lines, each one the first number represents the station B the total number of goods on the platform, each number represents carton after delivery of goods to which station. For each case, you need a separate output line to complete the task required.


001 孤独的运货员.cpp


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