This book is a companion to the textbook “Filtering and System Identification,
An Introduction” by Michel Verhaegen and Vincent Verdult. It describes and il-lustrates the use of Matlab programs for a number of algorithms presented in the
textbook. The Matlab programs, bundled in a toolbox, can be found as down-load on the publishers website. The goal of this companion book is twofold.
First, it helps to clarify some of the theoretical matter of the textbook using ex-amples. Second, it describes how to perform many of the filtering and system
identification operations using the toolbox software.
An Introduction” by Michel Verhaegen and Vincent Verdult. It describes and il-lustrates the use of Matlab programs for a number of algorithms presented in the
textbook. The Matlab programs, bundled in a toolbox, can be found as down-load on the publishers website. The goal of this companion book is twofold.
First, it helps to clarify some of the theoretical matter of the textbook using ex-amples. Second, it describes how to perform many of the filtering and system
identification operations using the toolbox software.
Filtering and System Identification_intro to MATLAB SOFTWARETU delf_GOOD_companion.pdf